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Mail Delivery by PillPack
Medtipster has partnered with PillPack to offer Mail Delivery
A simple, innovative way to manage your prescription medications. PillPack. by Amazon pharmacy, is a full-service pharmacy that sorts your medication by the dose and delivers them to your door at no additional cost. We especially recommend this service if you take a medication on an ongoing basis. Here’s what you need to know to use the service. 
With Mail Delivery by PillPack you get...
  • Pre-sorted medications - If you take daily medication, PillPack can pre-sort them by date and time.
  • Home delivery - Get the medications you need delivered to your door every month.
  • No additional costs - With PillPack, service and shipping are always free. You simply pay your copays.
Get Started
Grab your
Medtipster ID Card
List of medications
Doctors information
Payment method
You can sign up online or call PillPack Customer Service:
Enroll Online
(opens in new window)
Get started and enroll online today
Call PillPack Customer Service at 1-855-966-0966
Choose Packaging Preferences
During the Sign up process you will have 2 options to select HOW you want to receive your medications by mail.
Sorted into packets
For anything you take daily, PillPack can pre-sort your meds into packets by date and time. If you choose this option, you'll receive your first Shipment about 2 weeks after signing up. If you are low on any medications let PillPack know and they can send them in bottles ahead of your first shipment
90-day supply in bottles
If you prefer, PillPack can deliver any or all of your medication the traditional way, In bottles. Medications you take as-needed or that aren't in pill form (like inhalers, insulin, or creams) will automatically be delivered in bottles or in their original packaging.
  • PillPack makes payments easy - Just add your preferred payment method and they'll charge you for your copays each time your medication ships. 
  • You can use a credit card, debit card, HSA/FSA, or a bank account - And you can update your payment information anytime through your online account. 
Prescription Order Status
When your medications on its way, PillPack keeps you updated with email and text message alerts. They also provide a tracking number for every shipment. If you ever have questions, you can always call 1-855-966-0966.
PillPack Customer Service
Pharmacists are available for consultations 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you have questions about your medications, including how to take it, what to do if you miss a dose, side effects or drug interactions. For medical emergencies, please call 911.
  • Call PillPack at 1-855-966-0966, hours below:
  • Monday to Friday 8 am - 10 pm ET
  • Saturday to Sunday 10 am - 8 pm ET
  • After normal business hours, a voicemail service is available for customers. Leave a message and a pharmacist will return urgent calls within 30 minutes.
  • Email PillPack at hello@pillpack.com - PillPack customer service teams are happy to help. However, if you have an urgent clinical need, please call 911.
Want to know more?
You can find out more information on our integrated service by visiting PillPack for Cerpass.
CeprassRx & PillPack logo
(opens in new window)
A simple, innovative way to manage your prescription medications. PillPack. by Amazon pharmacy, is a full-service pharmacy that sorts your medication by the dose and delivers them to your door at no additional cost. We especially recommend this service if you take a medication on an ongoing basis. Here’s what you need to know to use the service. 
With Mail Delivery by PillPack you get...
  • Pre-sorted medications - If you take daily medication, PillPack can pre-sort them by date and time.
  • Home delivery - Get the medications you need delivered to your door every month.
  • No additional costs - With PillPack, service and shipping are always free. You simply pay your copays.
Get Started
Grab your
Medtipster ID Card
List of medications
Doctors information
Payment method
You can sign up online or call PillPack Customer Service:
Enroll Online
(opens in new window)
Get started and enroll online today
Call PillPack Customer Service at 1-855-966-0966
Choose Packaging Preferences
During the Sign up process you will have 2 options to select HOW you want to receive your medications by mail.
Sorted into packets
For anything you take daily, PillPack can pre-sort your meds into packets by date and time. If you choose this option, you'll receive your first Shipment about 2 weeks after signing up. If you are low on any medications let PillPack know and they can send them in bottles ahead of your first shipment
90-day supply in bottles
If you prefer, PillPack can deliver any or all of your medication the traditional way, In bottles. Medications you take as-needed or that aren't in pill form (like inhalers, insulin, or creams) will automatically be delivered in bottles or in their original packaging.
  • PillPack makes payments easy - Just add your preferred payment method and they'll charge you for your copays each time your medication ships. 
  • You can use a credit card, debit card, HSA/FSA, or a bank account - And you can update your payment information anytime through your online account. 
Prescription Order Status
When your medications on its way, PillPack keeps you updated with email and text message alerts. They also provide a tracking number for every shipment. If you ever have questions, you can always call 1-855-966-0966.
PillPack Customer Service
Pharmacists are available for consultations 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you have questions about your medications, including how to take it, what to do if you miss a dose, side effects or drug interactions. For medical emergencies, please call 911.
  • Call PillPack at 1-855-966-0966, hours below:
  • Monday to Friday 8 am - 10 pm ET
  • Saturday to Sunday 10 am - 8 pm ET
  • After normal business hours, a voicemail service is available for customers. Leave a message and a pharmacist will return urgent calls within 30 minutes.
  • Email PillPack at hello@pillpack.com - PillPack customer service teams are happy to help. However, if you have an urgent clinical need, please call 911.
Want to know more?
You can find out more information on our integrated service by visiting PillPack for Cerpass.
CeprassRx & PillPack logo
(opens in new window)
A simple, innovative way to manage your prescription medications. PillPack. by Amazon pharmacy, is a full-service pharmacy that sorts your medication by the dose and delivers them to your door at no additional cost. We especially recommend this service if you take a medication on an ongoing basis. Here’s what you need to know to use the service. 
With Mail Delivery by PillPack you get...
  • Pre-sorted medications - If you take daily medication, PillPack can pre-sort them by date and time.
  • Home delivery - Get the medications you need delivered to your door every month.
  • No additional costs - With PillPack, service and shipping are always free. You simply pay your copays.
Get Started
Grab your
Medtipster ID Card
List of medications
Doctors information
Payment method
You can sign up online or call PillPack Customer Service:
Enroll Online
(opens in new window)
Get started and enroll online today
Call PillPack Customer Service at 1-855-966-0966
Choose Packaging Preferences
During the Sign up process you will have 2 options to select HOW you want to receive your medications by mail.
Sorted into packets
For anything you take daily, PillPack can pre-sort your meds into packets by date and time. If you choose this option, you'll receive your first Shipment about 2 weeks after signing up. If you are low on any medications let PillPack know and they can send them in bottles ahead of your first shipment
90-day supply in bottles
If you prefer, PillPack can deliver any or all of your medication the traditional way, In bottles. Medications you take as-needed or that aren't in pill form (like inhalers, insulin, or creams) will automatically be delivered in bottles or in their original packaging.
  • PillPack makes payments easy - Just add your preferred payment method and they'll charge you for your copays each time your medication ships. 
  • You can use a credit card, debit card, HSA/FSA, or a bank account - And you can update your payment information anytime through your online account. 
Prescription Order Status
When your medications on its way, PillPack keeps you updated with email and text message alerts. They also provide a tracking number for every shipment. If you ever have questions, you can always call 1-855-966-0966.
PillPack Customer Service
Pharmacists are available for consultations 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you have questions about your medications, including how to take it, what to do if you miss a dose, side effects or drug interactions. For medical emergencies, please call 911.
  • Call PillPack at 1-855-966-0966, hours below:
  • Monday to Friday 8 am - 10 pm ET
  • Saturday to Sunday 10 am - 8 pm ET
  • After normal business hours, a voicemail service is available for customers. Leave a message and a pharmacist will return urgent calls within 30 minutes.
  • Email PillPack at hello@pillpack.com - PillPack customer service teams are happy to help. However, if you have an urgent clinical need, please call 911.
Want to know more?
You can find out more information on our integrated service by visiting PillPack for Cerpass.
CeprassRx & PillPack logo
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